Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Income Splitting - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

During the last two weeks Parents Choice has received a significant number of emails and comments from people supporting income splitting and from news media interested in the campaign. The tide is coming in and support is rising for income splitting.

In the past 14 days alone various media including "Norwester", "Challenge Weekly", "Shine TV", "Scoop", and overseas websites have all published articles and news reports about the Parents Choice campaign for income splitting. We have had expressions of support from Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Waikenae, Lower Hutt, Wellington, and Christchurch. It has been amazing to see the widespread interest in a policy change that will show New Zealand values families and the investment of time and effort in raising children.

Please pass on the contact details to friends and relatives who might be interested in indicating their support for income splitting. We need the campaign to continue to gather momentum during March so that by the time the Government's Discussion Paper is relased there is already a strong movement for change. Email parentschoice08@gmail.com and show your support today. United Future has already pledged its support for Income Splitting. We believe that over the next few months National, Labour and other parties will also see the need to signal their support for the hundreds of thousands of full time parents who are busy investing in the next generation.

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